The bio picture of me on my website hadn't been updated for more than a year. I absolutely dread getting my picture taken and put off getting a new and updated photo of me on my site.
While home in Wisconsin in September, my husband and I took a little stroll at Lakeside Park and I brought my camera with me. We sat down on a bench over looking the lake at one point and I thought since the light was so good we'd try doing a portrait of me. I had just got off the Raw Food Diet week and my skin was looking FAB. I ended up being OK with them and put this one up on my site.
Then later changed it to this one. I liked this one because it was vibrant and cheerful.
Every October, Jonathan and I go out and find pretty leaves and take pictures of us. It's funny looking back at all the previous October's and seeing what kind of pictures we took. This year I did a little better than the other October's since I didn't whine as much(like I said I simply hate being in front of the camera).
And one of Jonathan. He totally looks like a "tough guy" here but really he's harmless. He's the sweetest :)
While in Moab for Shelly and Nick's wedding, Jonathan and I visited Arches National Park. We decided(or me actually) since we're moving to Wisconsin next year that it would be a good idea to see the park. I'm soooo glad we did! The weather was perfect for hiking. The hike to the Delicate Arch was rough in one certain spot(anyone who has hiked to it knows which spot I mean) and I was cursing myself for wearing flip flops. We eventually made it to the famous arch and it was pretty darn cool.
It may appear we got lucky and there was no one else at the arch when we got there. Thank you Photoshop! :)
I wanted a fun picture so we had someone take our picture of us jumping under the arch. I still had my 14-24 on my camera so its pretty wide and we're really tiny.
I don't know why but I loved this rock on the way to the Delicate Arch. The good lighting was a bonus.
The balancing rock thingy.
I hope we can go back to the park and see more of it before we leave Utah. I'm very sad about leaving Utah but very happy as well. We don't have an exact date as to when we're moving but we're planning on the spring. We originally planned on next fall but since I've booked so many weddings in Wisconsin next year I will not have the energy to fly back and forth so much. I'm excited to start my business there though and can't wait to work with all my awesome Wisconsin couples.
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Miscellaneous Me
Posted by
Anna Page Photography
Thursday, November 06, 2008
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Those portraits are great!! I love your processing!
Let me just say, I absolutely love the 2nd pic of you! You look beautiful and I love your shirt! You and Jonathan are awesome and I don't want you to move :( Who am I gonna have take pics of Lola as she grows up?? I will miss you too much!
Anna, you answered a question for me once about lighting/flashes, etc. Remember me? I feel awful that you're moving and I've never even met you... If you have any shoots before you leave that would be good for someone to tag along and try to help, let me know!
I love the 1st pic you you!! Beautiful! And if you guys are thinking of moving to Cedarburg..let me know! I can tell you all about the area!
Katie A.
Thanks for the comments!
Dari-I will miss you too. My shirt is from Anthropologie. Figures! I will be posting a blog before I leave Utah with other photographers I love that you could use to photograph Lola, portrait and wedding photographers.
Jan-I'd love to have you tag along to a couple shoots. Contact me in a few months when I'm busier and we can set something up!
Katie-We looked into Cedarburg and its pretty pricy but so so cute. We're debating between Cedarburg and Madison(all the college kids) and my brother lives there too which is nice. We're going to live with my parents until we decide something. It's going to hard! :)
Oops, thats actually me, not my husband :)
Anna. You're hot. Plain and simple. You were born to be a blond.
Those pictures are so pretty of you Anna!! I also love the Moab pics. I've only been there once, but what a cool place!! I was TERRIFIED to go under the arch, I thought for sure I would slip and fall off the edge. What awesome pictures though! Love em!
PS. I'm so sad you guys are leaving!
Anna, I love your stuff. I just found your blog a few weeks ago. I am a newbie photog in Wiscaaansin. Sounds like you are undecided as to where you'll be living. Cedarburg is adorable. I took my camera down Main St. on Halloween. However, it's a bit removed from Milwaukee so I'm sure you'd get alot more business in Madison. I shot a wedding in Madison last May. Anyway, where do your parents live? :)
Netti- I was kinda scared too about going under the arch but got used to it. We even took a picture right by the edge(not sure why on earth we did) that I didn't post on the blog. Now that I think about it, it makes me feel ill thinking we may have slipped or something!
Amy- Thanks for commenting on my blog! It's nice to meet another Wisconsin photographer, I don't know very many. Yeah, we think Madison is a good choice due to the fact that it has a lot of college people. And Madison is just plain awesome too! :) My parents live in Campbellsport which is 20 minutes southeast from Fond du Lac(my hometown).
No WAY! Can't believe you're leaving (and that this is the first I've heard about it!)...take me with you?
You'll both be missed -- that's for sure!
I LOVE YOUR PICS .....:) you have such a great eye and must have a hubby with a good one as well :)
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